Official Launch

What our practice partners are saying...

" I will only work in one of their practices... 

I know who I'm dealing with, along with what their objections and goals are before I meet them! I get answers to questions I would never ask in person..."

I love my doctor for caring enough for both the practice and me, to take advantage of this!"

-Jessica Staley
Treatment Coordinator
Bedont Smiles

"The greatest private practice giveback in the last 50 years of dentistry..."

" I'm proud to be among the 5% of Orthodontists willing to step up, and provide this opportunity for our general dentistry community, as an ambassador.

My G.P. colleagues are slashing overhead with the RCC subsidy, and gaining access to endless possibilities and patient referrals from sources we never thought possible through the Referral Bridge network."

-Dr. Boyd Whitlock
Whitlock Orthodontics

Meet Your On-Demand 24/7, World Class Hygienist Who Will...

Love and Care For Every Patient Before Their First Visit.


AI Technology for Conversation-Centered Care (TM)

Being humanistic in a digital world is no small feat...
Patient-centered care now begins before emailing, texting, or scheduling the initial exam...
The patient prompter deploys an Ai-driven conversational framework, resulting in deeper patient-specific insights...and a personalized experience for everyone.
Thanks to’s Humanistic Automation (TM), and our ‘perfect patient matchmaker methodology, you can generate fully vetted prospective patients, and decide if they're the right fit for your practice.
...resulting in your practice generating more ideal patients (who receive compassionate care and are committed to your practice, long before their initial exam).
Result: No more blind dates... New patient scheduling and treatment acceptance discussions, now feel more like warm collaborations, rather than cold encounters.

"The consumer wants single visit dentistry..."

Bernie Stoltz, CEO - Fortune Management -

Source: Podcast Episode 974 - Fortune Management with Bernie Stoltz, CEO : Dentistry Uncensored with Howard Farran

AI Powered, Single Visit Dentistry That Knows Your New Patient, Better Than You Know Your Best Friend...

...Before they step foot inside your practice.

" No doctor, hygienist, assistant, scheduler, or treatment coordinator on the face of the earth, should be denied this revolution in treatment acceptance, and patient care."

-Dr. Jay Burton DDS


Dental Referrals From Plastic Surgery Practices and Beyond...

" I love referring out general dentistry and ortho patients, while being supported by my new industry colleages, through the Referral Bridge network.  What Eddie has cretated is a an industry game changer... "

-Dr. Corwin Martin, MD
Estetica Cosmetic Surgery Centers

"The New Unbrideled Passion To Help General Dentists, Grow and Scale.."

"Holding practice appreciation events in over 40 US cities with world-renowned expert Gary Takacs has revealed, that the General Dentistry community deserves a higher degree of passion and commitment from their specialist colleagues..."

-Eddie Coleman

No More Being Blind-Sided By Declined Treatment...

Being handed fully vetted new patient opportunities, with zero advertising costs. means no more time sucking scheduling calls, or wasting valuable practice time on dead-ends.

The Quality Of Your New Patient Opportunities Risen To New Heights...

Your highest converting, most compliant, best referring, best paying, and most thankful patients have arrived...


" identifies our ideal new patients and makes every opportunity worth more money...without having to email, text or even talk to them before scheduling their initial exam..."

-Dr. Peter Lee DDS

Existing Patient Servicing On Cruise Control...

Spot problem patients faster than the top 1% of practices, while boosting total patient satisfaction by an average of 37%...

Happier Patients, Reduced Team Hours, Fewer Voicemails, Less Phone Time, Better Google Reviews, More Referrals, and Better Insights... Done.


Capturing New Patients by Phone Before They Leave Your Website Is No Longer Science Fiction.

"Imagine...the power to literally be on the phone with website visitors, while they are still engaged, and thinking of your practice."

Shout Outs...

No more looking at new stand-alone products and solutions, only to later discover they are mere features inside of DentalStart.

Video Testimonials On Autopilot...

Patient Video Testimonial are 72% More Credible Than Written Reviews... 

No effort... No Asking... No Expense...

Acquiring video testimonials require effort, and 91% of team members report feeling uncomfortable asking patients.

Google the top 5 practices, in any U.S. city, and you'll quickly so that only one of the 5 has patient testimonial videos.


What Our Live Mastermind Attendees Are Saying...

Since 2012, practice partners, enjoy closed door access to our VIP masterminds, strategies, insights, tactics and tips, for scaling, streamlining and building the ideal practice for your lifestyle.

- Dr. Sheila Birth
" Simply amazing... I have never met anyone with the level of energy Eddie brings to the table! We are preparing to automate much of what we do manually in order to keep up with the growth!" 
- Dr. Chris Chang, MD
" As the first plastic surgeon to join a group of the nations top dentists all I can say is AWESOME! My practice is benefiting in a big way! Eddie is pure genius! " 
- Dr. Boyd Whitlock 
"WOW - Eddie changed everything in our practice, and was something we would never get anywhere else. Blew every event in the specialty out of the water! "
- Dr. Rich Hardie
" A total masterful reinvention that I am looking forward to getting implemented into my practice starting now, thanks Eddie! " 
- Dr. Thomas Horton
"I want to thank Eddie for bringing this to the table... Strap your seat belts on and get ready for a high energy adventure in practice growth!!" 
- Dr. Mark Feinberg
" In the world of practice marketing Eddie is Yoda and I am excited about being Luke Skywalker! Now we have even more wisdom to extend our reach!" 
- Dr. Jamie Reynolds 
" Without question one of the biggest no-brainers out there for any practice looking to move the needle!" 
- Dr. Greg Guymon
" I am super excited that I was able to be a part of this group and  evolution! My mindset on how to and not to educate new patients has been completely renewed! " 
- Dr. Mark Kingry
" Unbelievable... and to think I actually thought my practice had peaked.. Now we're so far out in front it's spellbinding and Eddie is simply mesmerizing!" 
- Dr. Victor Grazina
" Most events, programs and marketing system are like lighting a match whereas this was like working with a human blow torch!" 
- Dr. Cheng Lun Wang
" Eddie completely redefined the concept of turning the words you choose and your practice marketing into a real asset!"
- Dr. Mart McClellan
" Now I understand what is going on in the mind of the prospective patients which will be remarkable for me from a practice growth standpoint!" 
- Dr. David Caggiano
" I never thought I would see the lifetime value of one single patient be 15-20k but that's the vision I see using the strategies and tactics Eddie is releasing to the the group!" 
- Dr. Tom Chamberlain
" WOW! I love the strategy on how to strategically acquire "future patient assets", and how to leverage them for future success of my practice!" 
- Dr. John Mergen
" Huge eye opener Eddie...  I know see the massive pool of new patients in my community and how to speak to them as they get closer to treatment!" 
- Dr. Curtis Bedont
" Eddie left some of the greatest clinical minds in the industry speechless. The event completely revolutionized my perspective on how to grow as an entrepreneur  and go big." 
- Dr. Kevin Jarrell
" Eddie is from another planet. I'm looking at everything different now, even the words on my website as a tool for new patient conversion!" 
- Dr. William Crutchfield
" The sphere of our influence in the area of new patient attraction just went to a whole new level! We're lucky to have Eddie leading the industry." 
- Dr. Peter Kimball
" I am extremely excited to be a part of this group and have had a ton of success with this program!" 
- Dr. Mark Lowe
" From a 50,000 ft viewpoint I realize that what I have been telling perspective patients has been off the mark and it will change my practice and success forever! " 
- Dr. Jose Garcia
" This works and after all what's the point in providing great treatment if not enough people know about it?" 
- Dr. Fernan Rodriguez
" I feel privileged to be a part of this movement and group! You constantly make our practices and lives better.  I am excited to take this to the next level! " 
- Dr. Linda Hallman
" Thank you for letting me be a part of the group...  The concept of how to market to, approach and talk to a prospective patient was a major takeaway for me!" 
- Dr. Mark Farina 
" Eddie is unlike anyone I've ever known. I loved the idea of taking our marketing assets and leveraging them to establish a more profitable referral relationship with our general dentists!" 
" People that know me, know that I love conferences & have been to a million of them... This is hands down the most fantastic one I've ever been a part of.  Everything else is a wanna-be in my book! " 
- Jenna Bragg - Marketing Director
Gray & Ehrler

Instantly Engage New Patients Without Cumbersome Zoom Links

Virtual consults have clear potential in 2024, but providing links and meeting invitations can be frustrating for both the practice, and the prospective patient.

Now it's easy to host virtual consults in the blink of an eye, and click of a button. 

No more links, passwords, logins, lengthy emails, or waiting.

Create instant relationships with new patients.


"Photo Upload Abandonment Is A Top Reason New Patients Find an Excuse To No-Show Consults..."

Eddie Coleman, Founder


The Conversational Patient Photo Upload Proccess That's Converts Over 400% More Patients Than Every Orther Virtual Consult APP...

Whatever you are currently using to capture virtual consult photos pales in comparison.

Now the world's most loving AI powered hygienist, walks and talks your patients through the photo upload process, without signing up for a service, adding overhead, or clunky pages to your website.

Fun Fact:  The second a practice believes, a new patient, virtual consult photo upload system is effective, is the second they begin losing profits, without ever knowing why.

Problem Solved

About The Founder
Eddie Coleman is a healthcare branding, direct response marketing, scheduling, practice growth consultant and software designer, specializing in dental and related specialties for over 12 years.  

Eddie established his first patient-centered platform in 2012 after listening to both patients and practices, and developing a deep understanding of the widespread disconnect at the time.

His innovative platform was the first of its type, providing a place for more effective communication, referrals, reviews, and feedback, ultimately leading to improved clinical outcomes and higher patient satisfaction. 

Happy patients were the goal and healthy practices became the beneficiary.

Eddie has helped transform client partner practices in over 300 US locations with additional locations in London, Australia, New Zealand and Ireland.

He is dedicated to assisting practices of all sizes in scaling their growth, boosting EBITA while reducing workload, leading to the optimal lifestyle practice.

Personal Life:

To date, Eddie has enjoyed being an avid Black Belt tournament competitor, receiving is masters rank in July 2023, and a lead guitarist, sharing the stage with two American Idol finalists, and presently serves as an outreach pilot in the Hawaiian islands.

Accomplishments Include:
Top Group Contributor

-Dental Nachos
-Dental Investment Group
-Nifty Thrift Dentists

Inventor: Buffered patient review framework (over 334,000 patient reviews

Inventor: Referral bridge technology

Inventor: PILR - pre-instant lead response

Inventor: Instant-Live video 
testimonial generator

Inventor: Insta-Consult - Virtual consult technology

Inventor: ConversaForm connect technology

Inventor: SmileScreen - Conversational patient screening technology

Inventor: G.I.F.T. - Gambit triggered follow-up technology

Inventor: Patientelligence - prospective patient advance insights technology

Creator: Patient review categorization methodology 

Creator: O.C.P. - Omni channel communication platform

Creator: A.P.R. - Accelerated patient review - legacy framework

Creator: R.C.C - Referring colleagues that care movement

Creator: Mastering The Art of Scheduling system

Creator: R.V.T. - Real time practice valuation tracking

Creator: M.C.S. - Valuation based market control score

Creator: B.C.I. - Valuation based barrier to compete index

Achievement: Most reviewed, highest rated practice status achieved in 214 US markets.

Practice Support: 1 (844) 334-7976

Copyright 2025 - PatientStart / DentalStart / RepX - All Rights Reserved