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Almost Complete...
Congrats! You're Registered for the private screening of Pirates of The Caribbean!
As a Part of Earning Your VIP Pass, You Also Have Just Earned a $500.00 Smile Gift Card.
You Can 10X Your Gift Card To OVER $5,000.00 In Value Below Now!
ACTIVATE Your 10X VIP Smile Package Below 
Congrats! You're Registered for the private screening of Pirates of The Caribbean!
As a Part of Earning Your VIP Pass, You Also Have Just Earned a $500.00 Smile Gift Card.
You Can 10X Your Gift Card To OVER $5,000.00 In Value Below Now!
ACTIVATE Your 10X VIP Smile Package Below 
  • FREE - Retainers For Life - Once your orthodontic treatment is complete your retainer will help keep your new rock star smile in perfect alignment. Over the course of the years retainers need to be replaced, which can cost over $400 each time. With our Retainers For Life program, we will cover the cost to replace your worn out retainer!  (Est Value $2,580.00)
  • FREE - Customized Treatment Plan - Every orthodontic treatment is unique just like every smile is equally as unique. Upon your first visit we will design and tailor make the ultimate customized treatment plan built for your specific smile! (Value $475.00)
  • FREE- Complete Set of X-Rays - As a part of this offer, you will receive a full set of x-rays to assess skeletal growth and development! (Value $175.00)
  • FREE -Rock Your Smile VIP Gift Card - You will receive a $500.00 gift card good towards any orthodontic treatment for you or your child! (Value $500.00)
  • FREE - Intrest Free Flex Payment Plan - If you have looked at receiving orthodontic treatment in the past, then you know that the payment options are narrow and often times not accommodating to your budget. With the Mellion Orthodontics Interest Free FlexPay System, you'll not only receive zero percent interest but you will have your investment custom tailored to fit your specific needs! (Avg Value $782.14)
  • FREE - Diagnostic Photos - Diagnostic photos provide a distinct advantage throughout your orthodontic treatment by enhancing the achievement of facial harmony and smile aesthetics. (Value $350.00)
  • FREE - Airway Screening - It's true that right now your's or your child's airway may be partially blocked! It's far more common than most people would expect and specially trained orthodontists are considered among the world's top experts in airway treatment. (Value $195.00)
  • FREE - Head and Neck Pain Vulnerability Assessment - The next time you experience a headache or stiff neck, it may possibly be happening for reasons that are preventable. Included in this package, you will receive a complete head and neck pain vulnerability assessment. (Value $150.00)
<< -$5,027.14 >>
Request Your No-Obligation Appointment Now To Activate:
100% Protected and Safe
  • FREE - Retainers For Life - Once your orthodontic treatment is complete your retainer will help keep your new rock star smile in perfect alignment. Over the course of the years retainers need to be replaced, which can cost over $400 each time. With our Retainers For Life program, we will cover the cost to replace your worn out retainer!  (Avg Value $2,400.00)
  • FREE - Customized Treatment Plan - Every orthodontic treatment is unique just like every smile is equally as unique. Upon your first visit we will design and tailor make the ultimate customized treatment plan built for your specific smile! (Value $475.00)
  • FREE- Complete Set of X-Rays - As a part of this offer, you will receive a full set of x-rays to assess skeletal growth and development! (Value $175.00)
  • FREE -Rock Your Smile VIP Gift Card - You will receive a $500.00 gift card good towards any orthodontic treatment for you or your child! (Value $500.00)
  • FREE - Intrest Free Flex Payment Plan - If you have looked at receiving orthodontic treatment in the past, then you know that the payment options are narrow and often times not accommodating to your budget. With the Mellion Orthodontics Interest Free FlexPay System, you'll not only receive zero percent interest but you will have your investment custom tailored to fit your specific needs! (Avg Value $782.14)
  • FREE - Diagnostic Photos - Diagnostic photos provide a distinct advantage throughout your orthodontic treatment by enhancing the achievement of facial harmony and smile aesthetics. (Value $350.00)
  • FREE - Airway Screening - It's true that right now your's or your child's airway may be partially blocked! It's far more common than most people would expect and specially trained orthodontists are considered among the world's top experts in airway treatment. (Value $195.00)
  • FREE - Head and Neck Pain Vulnerability Assessment - The next time you experience a headache or stiff neck, it may possibly be happening for reasons that are preventable. Included in this package, you will receive a complete head and neck pain vulnerability assessment. (Value $150.00)
<< -$5,027.14 >>
Request Your No-Obligation Appointment Now To Activate:
100% Protected and Safe
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Copyright 2017 -  OrthoX - All Rights Reserved